
Chef Marino Tavares joins us

Originally from the Azores Islands of Portugal, Chef Marino Tavares is a house hold name in the restaurant circuit here in Montreal and is now joining Restaurant Doca. Owners Victor Batista and Victor Dias, both of Portuguese origins themselves, are proud to announce and welcome Chef Marino Tavares to the Doca family. A leading authority on the Montreal restaurant scene, Marino Tavares has worked for some very reputable and respectable establishments such as Restaurant MKT, Café Ferreira, Latini and La mer. To add to his resume, he’s been voted Chef of the Year by the Société des chefs, cuisiniers et pâtissieurs du Québec in 2001 and Star of the Montreal Gala des chefs in 2008. He brings with him more than 25 years experience to Restaurant Doca.

His culinary style, combined with his talent, allows him to take traditional dishes, and transforming them into a more modern approach, fusing well with Doca’s culinary style and philosophy of adding a Portuguese twist to every dish. While Chef Marino will surely surprise us along the way, with his own little touches, he will continue to uphold the same quality dishes found on our menu that our clients love and that Restaurant Doca is known for.

Join us in welcoming Chef Marino Tavares to Restaurant Doca. Countless Montrealer’s have experienced his cuisine and now you can experience it for yourself.

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